Acquiring a blood sugar machine in Kenya is one thing, getting strips after the first batch is over is another. Subsequent strips will mostly come in a batch of 25 or 50 strips.
Here, we have a list of readily available blood sugar strips in Kenya with their prices :
1. Comfys Gmate Blood Sugar Test Strips
These are designed to be used with the Comfys Gmate blood sugar machine. They are fast to test (less than 5 secs), easy to use (requiring no coding) and need only a small sample of blood to test (< 0.5 ul). See price below:
2. Sino-care Accu Blood Sugar Test Strips
The Sino-care blood sugar strips are compatible with the Safe accu glucometer.They are code-free test strips, with a 5s testing time & a 0.6ul required blood sample volume. These strips also come with 10 lancets on the side. See price below:
3. Glucoplus Blood Sugar Test Strips
The Glucoplus blood sugar strips are used with the Glucoplus glucometer. They have a 15 secs test time and require only 1.5ul blood sample volume to test. The blood can also be be applied on either side of the machine. See price below:
4. Accu-chek Active Blood Sugar Test Strips
The Accu-chek Active glucostrips are designed to be used with the Accu-chek active meter. They have a 5 sec test time and require about 1 to 2 microliter of blood to test. The blood can be applied anywhere along the wide edge of the strip. See price below:
5. Accu-chek Instant Blood Sugar Test Strips
The Accu-chek Instant is used with the Instant glucometer version of Accu-chek. It has a faster test time of 4 secs and requires 0.4 to 0.6 ul of blood to test. The blood can be applied anywhere along the edge of the strip. See price below:
6. On-Call Plus Blood Sugar Test Strips
The On-Call Blood Sugar Test Strips are used with the On-Call glucometer. They come with a code chip that is inserted on the device. The strips test within 10 secs and require 1ul of blood sample. See price below: